Sunday, June 2, 2024

Neons Nightmare: A Dungeon Crawler Cyberpunk Post-Apocalyptic RPG

Introducing Neons Nightmare, a cyberpunk light rpg in a post-apocalyptic, dungeon crawler-oriented mode.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Water crisis at Skyward Cliffs: A solo dnd module

Hello everyone, 

We're changing registers today. After space opera, we're back to fantasy with a 13-page solo module for Dungeons & Dragons!

Skyward Cliffs is in crisis. A landslide has blocked access to the only water source, putting the inhabitants and their falconry-based way of life in peril. You are recruited for a vital mission: to explore ancient caves in search of a new water source. This journey will immerse you in forgotten mysteries and confront you with unexpected challenges. Each discovery brings you closer to the solution, but be prepared: the secrets of Skyward Cliffs do not reveal themselves easily.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Solo DnD: a comprehensive guide to know how to play dnd solo without Game Master

My ultimate guide to playing dnd solo. I've tried to summarize all my techniques and tips on how to play Dungeons and Dragons solo, without a game master.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Saving the Rebel Moon

Hi guys, today we're going to talk about Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder's latest film, available on Netflix. When I saw the meager 23% rating given to Rebel Moon by Rotten Tomatoes, I couldn't believe it. I had loved the Snyder Cut, the alternate version of Justice League set in a post-apocalyptic world.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

An Adventure in 3 Oracle Rolls

Hello everyone,

One exercise I love to engage in is the interpretation of oracles. Today, I'm having some fun and showing you how with 3 random oracles, I can create a role-playing scenario worthy of the greatest creations by Wizards.

You'll see, there's no need for complicated systems. We draw a random word and associate it with three things: a location, a threat to bring the location to life, and a more or less related scenario.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Create endless threads for your role-playing games

Greetings, Solo Adventurers!

Today, I wanted to share with you a completely experimental concept. A wild idea, like every day in the life of a slightly unhinged creator.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Simplified anatomy of a role-playing scenario

The solo role-playing adventures can be a captivating experience, but they often pose a significant challenge: how to build a scenario that is both stimulating and motivating without getting lost in complexity? Many solo players encounter difficulties in completing their stories. Sometimes, they wander in a maze of narrative threads or simply lose their momentum.

This article aims to demystify the anatomy of a solo role-playing scenario, focusing on simplicity and effectiveness. Forget about overly complex systems, as we will guide you towards a minimalist approach centered on the story.