Friday, July 30, 2021

Random Genre Shaker

Perchance For those who are bored and want to explore new horizons, I have created a random theme generator. Here, the idea is to create something completely original from known themes. It can be a question of mixing all the themes or simply of adding an element of diversity. For example aliens in medieval fantasy, vampires in cyberpunk... If you don't know what the generated theme is, click on the google search link, it will launch a google search


Friday, July 23, 2021

The 5 minute adventure technique: Solo Cutz test


Being a subscriber to the Diary of an Indie Game Developer Youtube channel, I recently discovered on Solo Cutz, an oracle generator made by Todd Zircher from Tangent Zero (links at the end of the article).

Friday, July 16, 2021

Play in 5 minutes with this simple technique

fast solo rpg five minutes session


One of the big problems in the solo rpg is to finish your adventures. It's very easy to start, but sometimes you get lost along the way. The technique I suggest below will force you to create an adventure in 5 minutes flat.
It's also a great way to practice and stimulate your imagination