Friday, August 27, 2021

Solo RPG: Why not the Character Player Simulator?

Since the beginning of the solo rpg we have seen a whole range of game master generators. The most famous being of course Mythic Role Playing.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Rewriting - How to play solo rpg in FIVE minutes only? Example #2


In a previous article How to play solo rpg in FIVE minutes only? Example #2 , I explained how to play in 5 minutes. The result was satisfactory but incomplete. Since I liked the adventure, I wanted to take some time to rethink all these adventures and rewrite the adventure

I'm not going to completely distort what I've written in the past. I'm filling in the blanks

Friday, August 13, 2021

Maze Runner, Insurgent: The biggest twists in movie history. Inspiration

fantasy new world solo rpg

Insurgent, Mazerunner, Narnia... I love these movies. I'm not talking about the teen movie aspect or the rotten clichés that force these films to the rank of B movies.
No, what I like is the way the author mistreats his background.

Friday, August 6, 2021

How to play solo rpg in FIVE minutes only? Example #2

Play in 5 minutes: Example part2


Continuation of the adventures of our interstellar smuggler. You can find part 1 where I used Tod Zircher's oracle here. This time, I'll use my favorite oracle generator, the icon-based generator.