Friday, September 17, 2021

How to create a map that means something in minutes!

how to create a map in minutes that says something

Today we are discussing a topic of world building. Because we want to play and not spend hours creating an inspiring map  !

In one of my first posts, I described a quick way to setting up a campaign background in 10 minutes or less for solo rpg sessions.
We can extrapolate the idea used to create a map:

Determine the elements of the map

Roll for 4 elements:

1. The main city
This will be the base camp of the characters, the known, civilized place.

 In my example, I have drawn an octopus head. My city will be called ALGORA. Oriented towards fishing and marine culture, this city worships a sea monster instead of the usual Pantheon

2. A known threat
It is essential to create a known threat. It may not be the real threat (one threat always hides another!) but it brings dynamism to the background

(elf helmet). Invaders coming from the sea want to attack the city of Algora

3. A neutral place

A potential ally or an additional source of adventure. Unlike the other two elements, the neutral place is immutable: it does not evolve and has no objective of its own.

 A spray, which I interpret as a gust of wind. In the mountains to the north, there is the city of the winds. Those who live there have the power to control the winds. Access to it is very regulated. They are able to send gusts of wind down the steep mountain paths.

4. An unknown threat/event

It can be positive or negative. It is a source of intrigue but also an element of resolution. It is the secret weapon of my story

Which I interpret as a meteorite fall


Linking elements and creating threads 

After drawing the map, an inspiration comes to me: the Trojan war.

A city that prays to the Pagan Gods. Opposite, a civilization perhaps more advanced that comes with a goal of conquest - under the cover of a religious war (let's call them the Arkeans).

Perhaps this entity living in the Ocean is indeed evil?

For those who have read Dan Simmons' excellent Illium/Olympos, the meteorite fall and the tower of wind may mean something. But then it would go completely crazy (med-fan / sci-fi mix)


What can this meteorite hide?

  1. Invasive alien vegetation
  2. A warning from the Gods
  3. An alien monster
  4. The stigma of a battle between powerful magicians
  5. A radioactive meteorite that affects the rules of magic use
  6. Nothing special - except that the impact awakened monsters from the underground

In a future article, I will discuss how to manage the evolution of this background and the impact of the players.

If you liked this article, you might be interested in my lastest article DUNGEONS SOLO: A series of solo gamebooks to be played without preparation

If you like solo rpg, don't miss my last productions on dtrpg 

0 Dungeons Solo 1-The Goblins' Den Dungeons Solo 1-The Goblins' Den

The Wandering Knight SAALT - The simplest ruleset of the World

Find all my productions on drivethrurpg. No risk! Everything is free or in full preview.

Lunar Gin solo rpg


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