Sunday, February 28, 2021

Challenge Ninja Solo Play #4: End of first act - rewriting

Here I decide to take a break. I' m hype about this part  and I want to bring more depth to the story.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Challenge Ninja Solo Play #3: The Shell Dungeon


Continuation of the adventures of Herman Fatflower. A little dungeonering for a change... you may recognize the codes of John Four's 5 room-dungeons

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Challenge Ninja Solo Play #2: The adventure of Herman Fatflower, the halflin.

Here is the beginning of my solo campaign in an ultra-minimalist mode. For this series of articles, I will use my blog as a notebook. Also, the speech may seem quite choppy. The idea is to share my experience as I lived it in order to look for ways to improve.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Challenge Ninja Solo Play part1

Hello everyone!

I'm inaugurating here a small series of posts to keep track of my solo play, my successes and my failures. I hope that these few thoughts will help improve the Game.