Friday, March 12, 2021

Challenge Ninja Solo Play #5: On the way to Act 2


Here we go again for the second session of the challenge.

Interacts: World changes

The difference between a campaign and a one-shot scenario is that the world is alive by itself. In a one-shot scenario, we don't care what happens outside the players' lives. We don't have time for that. 

When I first started role-playing, the mistake I made was thinking that a campaign was a succession of one-shot scenarios. 


Lengthening the story to make the fun last (leveling up aaahhhh....) is a dead end. What is the point of lengthening the narrative by adding adventures that add nothing to the story? NONE

What makes a campaign interesting is watching the world live by itself. The world does not wait for the characters to live and develop. And in the single player rpg, it's even more interesting because you're not afraid to break everything (nobody is there to complain). I consider my background as a micro-bubble, a vivarium that is born, grows and dies without my intervention. The characters manage with it! (it's like in an old fashioned simulation game) That's why, in a very minimalist way, I propose to initiate the following change in my world: 

Men of Krakenkrieg have gathered a large army and will go to war against the sharkmen. But who will win? (I want a change, not a status quo). Here is a small table:

  • 01-03: Men will crush the invaders and decide to continue the battle in their underwater caves.
  • 04-07: Men will be in trouble and will have to burn the forest (and possibly trigger the wrath of other people).
  • 08-12: Men will fight a fierce battle and suffer many casualties. Everyone will go home to prepare for Act 2.
  • 13-17: Sharkmen are going to tame Olifey and lay siege to Krakenskrieg.
  • 18-20: Sharkmen will show extraordinary resources and destroy Krakenskrieg

Other threads in progress

* Herman and Belanor go to the Coral City to reforge the sword

* The Underwood Guard and the Marine Circle Guild are looking for Herman and Belanor

* Dampf wants to continue the construction of his hermit crab dungeon. He and the half-orc may want a revenge.

Between acts: Something lurks in the shadows

Bellanor and Herman are on their way to Koraldoor. 

[Encounter check... nothing.... it sucks. Note for later: I really need a more solid event table.

Nothing is happening for Herman and Bellanor (who have moved to level 2). Herman has Stealth+2 and Bellanor has Magic+2). 

But there MUST be something happening for someone else. I was recently asked to show how I interpret fates. Here is what happens:

Lyre=>music, naked woman on a rock in the middle of the sea????

Multidirection => the company of the Underwood that scatters

Finger => Somebody has gotten their hands on something.

Men from the Underwood Company finally find Herman and Bellanor, but they are suddenly surprised by a human woman. She is wearing a large blue cape. She is holding a lyre in her hands. She is a priestess of the old order of the Marine Circle and she decides, after a courteous discussion, to put the men out of harm's way. Who will win? The odds are in favor of the priestess. D20=7: it is a success. Playing her lyre, she casts a spell that plunges the men into a state of mental debility.

To be continued...

This post is a follow-up to Challenge Ninja Solo Play #4: End of first act - rewriting

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